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Saturday 11 June 2016



... to those who wait (in good time [apparently];) so yeah, when I was recently/randomly reminded that it's been a year since my first blog post here it hit me; 

1. Shit (a.k.a life;) has been so crazy that it's kinda kept me too busy to be online (I'll fix that though).  
2. I need to blog more regularly (true blogging [songwriting's twin] is kinda therapeutic still).
3. [Life]Time flies by that quickly for real but it's limited, so we've got to use it wisely!

Anyway, speaking of time, I was supposed to be releasing/touring by now but I'm not because I got caught up in some long-ass legal battle to stop from making money off of my work without my permission (I can't say much about it here but yeah do not deal with them ever because they might try to steal from you #REALtalk). That said because of how the shit's gone I'm gonna have to record/mix my upcoming tracks myself, so we'll all just have to wait and see if it all turns out to be a blessing in disguise that ends up making me a better producer [if it doesn't I'll just have someone re-record/re-mix/re-master the songs at a later time]... Fuck it though it is what it is [i.e. shit happens]/that's the world we live in so yeah I'm'a just keep it moving and drop music whilst fighting that shit behind the scenes until it's deaded (which'll be sooner rather than later [it's only a matter of time];) so yeah, for all you up-and-coming musicians, the moral of the story is; 

There are lying-ass, thieving-ass, greedy/slimy-ass parasites out there so don't trust any smiley-ass, big claim-making-ass fuckers just because they have a pretty website - CHECK THEIR BACKGROUND and either read all of any contract you're offered before signing it or have a qualified professional do it for you (maybe for free if your government offers help with Legal Costs/Legal Aid/'Pro Bono' services for stuff like this)... especially if you're 'black' (i.e., from the MotherLand, a.k.a "MotherLanded{",) because you can forget about asking the 'Authorities' to help fix it if you get fucked over true you'll probably end up having to sort shit out on your own (which I can say from EXPERIENCE [for any deluded types who even wanna try to say otherwise lol])... 

For real though, 'The Greatest' (R.I.P) been repping blacks (i.e. MotherLandeds;) since the Civil Rights movement's peak times but still, to this day we're still getting disproportionately misrepresented/mistreated the way that we are in The Media/Society which tells me one thing - for us to truly 'find our place' in this world and fulfil our potential we've got to come together, pool our money/skills together and start making our own shit - Education/Healthcare/Community/Cultural Centres, Financial/Legal/Professional/Property Services, Franchise/Media/Entertainment/Travel etc. Companies (fuck it just give us Reparations so that we can finally go home and build all of that shit there lol;)!

On a lighter note though TGI Summer lol, speaking of which bigup everyone battling it out at EURO 2016 true I'm all for the sporting spirit although iDon't get too gassed true even now in 2016... 'International PROs' still be getting caught offside and falling down the second they get touched like those 'jumping-all-over-the-screen'-ass bitches from 'Streets Of Rage' lol but yeah, good luck England [it's good to know that Roy Hodgson's seen the light and put faith in 'young' talent]! Speaking of the "EU", it's still not quite 'complete' yet (i.e. the 'Red Tape' is real [true Brussels shouldn't be able to tell Westminister shit about certain things] lol) and iAin't pussy so yeah I'm'a say this - Britain would be best-placed to get it's shit together over the next 20-30 years (after which it could then join a way more 'complete' EU;) if it "stands on it's own 2" for the time being, speaking of which, UK fam REGISTER TO VOTE (A; To help your credit rating, and B; To make it so that you can't say shit if whoever you don't want to win fucking wins [true this is a democracy bitch!] lol) at;

Legal/Socio-Cultural/Political BS aside though, #FRESH music/videos from my upcoming 6-track EP should start dropping around late Summer '16 + it's gonna be #LIT so yeah, watch this space fam!;)

Bless/'Til next time... 

P.S. Spread THE WORD!!! (NEW music/videos/tours COMING...)

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